sleepy swinger

This photo, taken by my wife Mary, has been accompanied by two haiku, but none that would stand on its own without the photo. The first - intended as the haiku portion of a sort of photo-haiga - was:
Boston Common
even a swing musician
has to sleep
Even though I still chuckle when I read it, I can't help but think that this is more of an explanation of the photo than a complement to it. The second was the final link (ageku) of the renku "walking blues", recently published in the web journal "Simply Haiku":
deep sigh
a roll of dice
As is typical of renku, this is more of a "link and shift" from the photo than it is a companion haiku. Ideally I would like to write a haiku that captures the moment in parallel with the photo, something that seems elusive at the moment...
In lieu of sleep, I wrote these possibilities on the train this morning:
the morning after --
Zoot Suit Riot
sleeps in the park
dance all night
sleep all day
The Blues is good!
i don't know why, but whenever i see someone in a hat like that with their head slumped down, it reminds me of the movie "the man who fell to earth" where david bowie, as an incarcerated alien from another planet, wearing a similar hat, has been drinking too much, and takes a similar pose., i associate that pose with "having gone too far," or "having indulged in too much of something."
it needs more sleep percolation...
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